IRC Discovery supports collaborations between UChicago and CNRS researchers from across all disciplines. From network-building to implementing research, setting up laboratories, and developing proposals for large-scale grants, we work to ensure scholars have the resources they need to build impactful partnerships.
Collaborative Research
Collaborative research activities between the CNRS and the University of Chicago span a wide range of disciplines and range from PI-to-PI research projects to larger-scale collaborations involving research teams from both institutions. Click through to learn about some of our exciting past and current collaborations.
International Research Laboratories
The University of Chicago is pleased to host its first CNRS International Research Laboratory, the IRL HumanitiesPlus. The IRL is a joint research center dedicated to the promotion of collaborative research in the humanities between the University of Chicago and the CNRS.
IRC Discovery
Confronting the greatest challenges of our time… together.

The Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) is a major player in basic research on the global stage. Its unique position as a specialist in multiple fields means that it can bring together different scientific disciplines to shed light on and gain insight into current global challenges, in partnership with public sector, social and economic stakeholders.
The University of Chicago
The University of Chicago is an urban research university that has driven new ways of thinking since 1890. Our commitment to rigorous inquiry and intellectual freedom draws pathbreaking scholars to our global campuses, where field-defining ideas are born that challenge and change the world.